Wow life has been crazy. I got my cert 2 weeks ago and all the sudden my days start at 4 am and go until 10 pm. Its stressful and crazy but surprisingly I love it, I feel like I have found my thing. Ya know the thing that you spend your whole life looking for that your really good at, enjoy, and could do it the rest of your life. (I may just be really excited because its the only new thing in my life right now), but its been so fun to build these relationships with people where they put all their trust in you to help them change their lives. They call and text you at all hours of the day asking for questions on what to eat, and what shoes to buy. I love feeling appreciated and on a side note I am damn good at personal training!
Im still looking for new clients so if anyone knows anyone that may be interested please let me know, and we can come do a free assessment for them!!
4 weeks ago