Okay so last night the play was seriously AMAZING! I have heard so much about it and knew it was going to be good, but I didnt realize all the factors that come into place to make it so amazing. First of all the main characters were so great in their roles. Their voices were so beautiful and the Glinda seriously had Jake and I rolling on the floor of Laughter. She was so funny and so animated. The transitions during the play were another big thing that blew us away. Its so amazing how they can be singing and dancing and at the same time get in position for the next scene without even realizing it, that takes some serious organization. There was this really cool scene where Elphaba flies and it was so cool to see how they pulled it off, they dimmed all the lights and some black curtain thing was around so it looked just like the backdrop and then the lights only hit her green face. I dont know if I explained that very well but it was really cool. I really hope that later down the road the opportunity will come again that I can go again because it was seriously every penny.
Oh ya and you will notice that in all the pictures we have my whole family except Jake is missing...well he had a presentation to give in class at Weber last night and it was a final thing so he couldn't miss out. If you come just a couple minutes late they wont let you in. He seriously walked in at 7:28 and almost gave me a heart attack.
Anyways sorry to rub in the play for those of you that weren't able to go but it was great and if you ever get the opportunity take it!!!!
Thanks for getting me pumped!!! I am not going until July and cant wait
I went in new York last summer and it was amazing!! I wish I was going again!
I am so jealous. I wish I could have gone! I'm glad to hear you guys had so much fun!
Seriously...I almost wish it wasn't the first play I saw in Manhattan, because could one really compare to it? AND the second time is just as good, if not better (because I then had all the songs memorized, when the first time around I didn't know them) because you can focus on the details you miss the first time around.
Morg...my email address is kmsellis@hotmail.com. Thanks for taking the picture. You guys look cute in yours.
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