I have to admit, I love rainy days. I love when the sky is super dark and it just rains all day long. Something about it is peaceful and quite. The only thing that makes it difficult is that I have 100 pages of history to read and I keep finding myself drifting off and just wishing I was in bed right now!
So Jake and I are starting P90X March 1st. I am so excited its like consuming my mind, all I do is search on the internet for good deals on weights... the only problem is there isnt any good deals. I didnt realize how flipping expensive weights are like 2 bucks a pound.. yikes! So anyways I think we are just going to do a set with weight plates that you just put on handle bars.. it makes it way cheaper.. but we still need 5 or 10 pound weight plates.. So if any of you out there have any that you would be interested in selling let me know! Ill keep you posted on how the program goes.. I am a little nervous because all I have heard is how intense it is, but really that is exactly what I need. I go to the gym every morning and I feel that no matter what I do it will always be stuck at this certain stage.. so I know for a fact that P90X will take care of that problem and in 90 days I will have a smoking hot body!!!!!!!!!! (thats the plan at least)
Well my friends, hope you all have a wonderful day! Love you all!
2 weeks ago